Saturday, May 16, 2009


So last Saturday I turned in my 42 page paper and did my 20 presentation, and I think it went well! We left Gulu Sunday as a group and went to Murchison Falls and went on a game drive and saw amazing animals! Then we went to Jinja to see the source of the Nile, which is still debatable. It was nice being with the group again, although it was really weird having everyone getting ready to leave and packing and knowing that I wont be going home for another - weeks. It made me a little homesick.

So the group left Friday morning for the airport and Caitlin and I hopped on a bus and 11 hours later arrived in Kigali. We are staying with my homestay family, who are amazing! I think we may go to Burundi or just travel around Rwenda, its kind of exciting not knowing what ours plans will be. We will try to get back to Gulu by the 25th or 26th or May so we can try to still do something with a womens soccer team.

Peace and Love,


  1. So very excited for you!!! What an adventure and to have made such wonderful new Lifelong friends! Have fun relaxing and enjoying Rwanda in a whole new light. I am proud of you for going back and giving the country another chance... LOVE YOU!

  2. Michelle, I am in AZ getting ready to send Mallory off to London. Thinking of how different your trips are, yet each of you will grow in leaps and bounds having experienced traveling so far from home.
    You are brave to continue on and not come home, you obviously have things that you are still meant to accomplish! I am sure your presentation was fabulous. It must have been hard to get it all into words. I was reading a postcard you sent to Mallory while you were in Uganda, I thought what you wrote was beautiful and nailed your friendship with Mal.
    Enjoy your host family, I am sure they are thrilled to have you back. Safe journey while you explore other places.
    Much Love Deb
