Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Only have a few minutes, just wanted to write a quick update. I havn't had any internet or phone access. I am in Entebbe doing orientation. Everyone in the group is great!! We leave tomorow, 6 hour drive to Gulu for a couple more days of orientation. I will hopefully get a cell phone Thursday and be able to update more at an internet cafe.

Peace and Love,


  1. Hi Meeche, How exciting!! Looking forward to the next blog!! Having fun in Grand Junction with Grama. We check your blog daily! Guess what, we went by an equestrian shop and the lady who owns it, her brother was in Uganda, and he bought and brought back a huge supply of the beads and she has them in her shop. Pretty coool. Love ya AG

  2. Hi Michelle,
    It was so nice to see your update. Looking forward to more soon. Your group does sound great. Enjoying A. Gina & Cara's visit. Will check your blog daily to anxiously await more news. Love you, Grama

  3. Glad to see you made it there safely! Hopefully all of the flying wasn't too traumatic for you :)

    P.S. We got a new roommate and she goes to Seattle U

  4. It's quite different with you gone! Enjoy every bit of your experience it will be a life changing one! Love you!!
